Iván Penedo

Computer Engineering and Software Engineering student

Personal projects

Competitive Programming Book Tracker v1.1.0

Competitive Programming Book Tracker Preview

Single Page Application for tracking progress on Competitive Programming book by Felix Halim.
Also available as a desktop application for Linux, Windows and MacOS since v1.1.0!

Related Technologies
HTML Angular TypeScript Bootstrap Electron uHunt API

Lastest release: 21/06/2023

Chaos Theory Repository v0.1.0

Chaos Theory Repository Preview

This repository provides a collection of code and implementations for various chaos theory models. It aims to facilitate the understanding and exploration of chaos theory concepts and inspire further research and experimentation in this field.
As for now, only the Lorenz Attractor has been implemented.

Related Technologies
C++ OpenGL

Lastest release: 08/06/2023


About me

Iván Penedo

Computer Engineering and Software Engineering student

I am a computer enthusiast who is in his last year of a double degree in Computer Engineering and Software Engineering. I consider myself a person who seeks challenges and always comes up with a solution.
During my studies, I have used several programming languages and technologies, specially OOP and web development oriented, but I enjoy researching and learning about new fields such as Data Science, Machine Learning, Quality Assurance or Algorithm Optimization.

My studies

Computer Engineering
King Juan Carlos University. 2020 - PRESENT

Current average grade: 8.11. I have adquired knowledge in computer fundamentals, structure and architecture; as well as network management, artificial intelligence and database management.

Software Engineering
King Juan Carlos University. 2020 - PRESENT

Current average grade: 8.11. I have adquired knowledge in software development, maintenance and evolution; in addition to software quality and agile metodologies.


Courses attended

Competitive Programming Course
King Juan Carlos University. 2020 - 2021 and 2022 - 2023

During this course, I have adquired knowledge from basics of programming to advanced programming topics such as graph algorithms or Dynamic Programming; all of them applied to competitive programming contests participation.
Delivered by URJC-CP and Dijkstraidos Association.

Raspberry Pi Workshop
King Juan Carlos University. 2020 - 2021

During this workshop, I have adquired knowledge on several usages of a Raspberry Pi and the basics of Linux and Virtual Machines. Those sessions included OpenVPN, Pi-Hole and setting up a Samba server.
Delivered by Informáticos Association.


Activities performed

Ada Byron participation
Complutense University of Madrid. 2021, 2022 and 2023

Participant in three different editions of the Ada Byron Competitive Programming contest on its regional rounds in the Comunidad de Madrid. More information on this website.
Third place in first year students category in 2021.

Las 12 Uvas participation
Complutense University of Madrid. 2021 and 2022

Participant in two different editions of the Las 12 Uvas Competitive Programming contest. More information on this website.
Third place in No UCM second year students category in 2021.

Qualifying rounds participation
King Juan Carlos University. 2020 - 2024

Participant in local qualifying rounds to represent the King Juan Carlos University in several Competitive Programming contests, such as Southwestern Europe Regional Contest (SWERC) and Ada Byron.


Programming Languages
Java Python JavaScript TypeScript Kotlin C C++
Linux HTML CSS Spring Boot Angular Bootstrap jQuery
IntellIJ IDEA Andorid PyCharm CLion Andorid Studio Visual Studio Code Git GitHub GitKraken Adobe Suite Microsoft 365 Suite






Competitive Programming

Work in Progress


Do you have any question, or just want to keep in touch?

Write me!